Contact information and invoice address

A person is sitting in the reception at National Office for Health Service Appeals. Photographer: Cecilie Bannow.


Telephone: +47 22 99 36 30

Our switch board is open on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

If you need to send personal data to us, please use My page, a safe digital mailbox or send it by post. Do not send it by email!

Are you going to appeal a decision?

We process appeals from 32 agencies. You must send your appeal to the same agency that made the decision. They will assess the appeal and decide if they change or uphold their decision. If they decide to uphold their decision, they will send your appeal to us for a new legal assessment.

You can’t send your appeal directly to us!

Overview over the cases we assess and where you must send your appeal (information only in Norwegain)

Follow your appeal at My page

In our user portal My page you can follow the development in your appeal, see the documents you have received from us and you have sent to us, send in new information that is important for the case and fill out relevant forms.

Posting address

Nasjonalt klageorgan for helsetjenesten
Postboks 230 Skøyen
NO-0213 Oslo

Visiting address

Krinkelkroken 1
5014 Bergen

Organisation number

984 936 966

Billing address

Invoice and credit notes must be sent in electronic trading format (EHF). Our electronic invoice address is 9908:984936966.

Mark the invoice with the reference 1940AITO.

More information about how to send an invoice to a state business (information only in Norwegain)

If you can’t send the invoice in EHF-format, you can send it in paper form to:

Nasjonalt klageorgan for helsetjenesten
Fakturamottak DFØ
Postboks 4746 Torgarden
NO-7468 Trondheim

It's not possible to send an invoice by email.

Press requests

See own contact information for journalists (information only in Norwegain)